20150227 lucas grogan cto seminars th3 p1ll4r5 barek abyss607

Found more ghostow even though hes not here at the moment, more barek, lots more barek, cause yeah he was back in melbs for a while, stickering, pasting, glueing, painting, abandoing, even some private commisions, and that abyss_607 has stepped it up – there are seer portals appearing everywhere now even in geelong where he won the Power house 20150215 spray off / competition!

bmd are still floating around and left one of there funnest ever pieces:
Went underground to visit th3 p1ll4r5

and started plenty of new pages for lucas grogan, cto, seminars / sems, mark fitz, eddie botha, sian song

Plus added heaps more pics but you have to go searching for them. 3 weeks since the last update so busy! You go. You go find now.

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