And this is a super special caper edition with heaps of new pics
oh yeah and plenty new mr moh
baby guerrilla has gone waaaay bigger than large! over 10 stories high? – the adventures of the pink princess – having a tantrum stomping through the city – transforming whatever she pleases into whatever comes to mind…
There’s some new abyss_607 who’s back in the far-superior-to-canberra city of Melbourne :)
Abando missioned out to the well smashed homeWr3CkER5
the house of sand
the half missing now squ45h3d
the sloowwwww decliningggg jungle collapse
to br4dm1ll which is being sealed up, entombed not to stop explorers, thieves, graffers, artists, squaters or smashers but fucking rubbish dumpers! The place has been filling up fast over the last couple of months, poor abando!
and the button forest
Went to exhibitions : AWAKE Curated by This Little Collective
cezary stulgis ‘instinct’
creature creature ‘daggers’
and the skate deck expo put together by shannon keane and tayla broekman varial 20160430
And oh yeah, prob wont see that guy nost around for a while…