20190722 smoe lucy lucy mandy laura alice hayden dewar

Some new and old Laura Alice

new deams library glyphs

colourful new kulas

new page for shmek
and upped some of hayden dewars new murals/collabs
upped heaps of kam_bot
went to lucy lucy hypnagogia exhibition

david lee pereira pfosphene exhibition

aki yaguchi painted her biggest mural so far

went to aurora campbell game of moans
smoe big new mural “Yalla Birr Ang” in collingwood done with a super long extension pole and ladder – no lifter or boom!!

oh yeah and another long time fave abando is finally coming down :(
plus a bit of a mio ghost catch up:

Was very sad to hear the news that we lost the beautiful spirit Mandy aka Ree Nakada last week. Melancholy Mandy. So much emotion/sadness in her characters/ pencil drawings. Thank you for your art and inspiration and the few good conversations we had.