Fiiiinally releasing some new graffiti / abandoned / light painting / street art / mural art prints, so please buy one (or many) for your office, reception, restaurant, bar, bedroom, etc etc; we need all the support we can get (no ads or monetisation on allThoseShapes)!
upped quite a few brody x.s
new page for seine from perth
upped some baxter who’s back overseas for few months now
heeeaps of meandr
giovanna da silva
beautiful new amanda newman ceasefire now unfortunately necessary because after 6 months its still going – the gnc1d3 for all the zyn5 sttlr mvmnt who along with b1dn (whos reportdly skord $15m1l for h1s supp0rt so far!) 1d33f 4nd the1r l33dr5 call all ps gul1im or wh4t3ver and that ps are hm5 trrr5t5. the world is so fkd. Div35t camps in un15 th3 wrld over r b31ng bru74l1zd by 4rmy, p0, 577lr5 for peacfl pr73575 4g3n57 g3n5yd.
some new tom whitty twhittyer
more pam the bird of course!
and some fresh disgruntled snowman with the great bnnings escapade:
some new messages inc this one subtley regarding the fact that m4cc4h5 were suppliying fr33 m33ls to the g3ncyd3r5 on the b0rdr af7r a h4rd d4y out mrdring 1nncnt cv1ly4n5, 4l50 7h47 th3 0wnr5 5h0p + h0u53 w3r f1r bmb3d!!
and the disobedient chair:
plus there was heaps more which may have but prob hasnt been uploaded.