Theres lots of ‘paint ups’ happening these holidays, one on the side of Northland with mords, jest, clap, caper, adnate, askew, sirum / venom, itch, kid silk +++,
another in fitzy the alley behind black cat with heesco, hancock, lost the plot, sor1e, caper, bailer, repeat, kelr…
and one in easey st with fintan magee !!! finally after 3 years, adnate, rone, Askew, guido van helten is back too, mayo.
also phibs is back for a few days painting his biggest phibs bird probably ever in Collingwood.
Started new page for butt face grace, naws, harley jones, neck face, ribity
Went to choq world, rus kidd herbarium, otk 20150320, stephen ives bleak exhibitions…
Visited a few abandos: th3 v1ll4g3, 4ut0, purn3ll5
Found some be free, alexandra lederman, heaps of abyss_607! lush is back, manofdarkness, sam king, awol, mimby jones robinson…