cutback documentary launch @ emerald house 12th of december 2014. Years of work compiling street graffiti fine art interviews from E.L.K, Makatron, Rone, Kid Zoom, Haha, Andrew and Sandra +++ resulting in 1 hour of released documentary film plus 3 hours or more on line on the cutback documentary website A hilarious quote from the film: “[Sandra] we started off collecting australian impressionists most of whom are dead or… [Andrew] or they look dead” heheheh Andrew always coming through with the goods.
All of the images have failed to load.
This is most likely a TimThumb permissions error.
Go to the Justified Image Grid settings, TimThumb & CDN tab. Click check permissions then click 0755 or 0777 to see if that works (or do it manually on the files and folders it lists there in case chmod fails).
Also read the troubleshooting guide in the documentation on what else to do.
Tip: Install the official WP plugin 'Jetpack' by Automattic and enable 'Photon'. Jetpack enables you to connect your blog to a account to use the powerful features normally only available to users. It's an excellent TimThumb alternative and will make your images load faster. Note that you won't be able to use special effects due to cross-domain security limitations. It'll also make Justified Image Grid high resolution display or Retina ready by devicepx.js! Read more at:
Another possibility is that you are using W3 Total Cache to minify JS - turn that feature off.