20140112 figment, be free, caper, ghost, rashe, itch, kaff-eine, duke, shida

Coming up this week on Thursday at Trunk Bar 275 Exhibition St Melbourne is the allThoseShapes figment book launch with live painting by rus kidd and loadz (plus a few surprises!), music by euonim and copies of Figment to be purchased and signed. Check the Figment fb page for updates…


Found a place with some more rashe jaws slicer and atak

Added some be free

a new found birdhat

a caper cycle bird

new ghost /el ghosto

a cheeky itch

kaff-eine‘s second heartcore book character

some new randoms

a stylish intense duke liquidy burner

pictures from shida’s a call to the spirits book launch

Plus lots more pics added…

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