20140516 dop, caper, milan, sieg, snotrag, adnate, stormie mills, herakut

Went early to adnate beyond the lands exhibition after finally getting into squ45h3d the abdandoned squash courts.
Lucky I was early, the place was packed by 7:30, more packed than stormie mills peoples and places and even herakut too high to heal !

caper has chosen his name well, i missioned out to find his latest on the weekend: a most likely stolen car dumped and set alight then discovered by caper who painted it up nicely! I went totally the wrong way at first, west and north instead of north and a little left. whoops. got a couple of nice consolation / detour prizes – checked out a punk squat / abando
and found an old snotrag piece.
Then made it too see the lush green framing the fluorescent burnt out car:
found a couple more dop’s
a new el ghosto screaming in the corner…
finally decided despite missing the daylight due to absent trains and braving the soggy undergrowth I had to get a photo of this milan resting atop the creepers high above the tracks…
spotted some more rus kidd – a fragment bear floating here in union lane:
more senekt digits this time from a sleepy giant
started a page for el hopsum
and nash
and found out who this is, early work not so obvious, more recent work is stripped back easy to decipher, so started a page for sieg
and have started a page for cevor whos organic colourful sans serif font I like…
and of course other stuff was done too. but what?

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