20200412 kam bot bus dunk cobre bronik lapse

with covid restrictions, paranoia and panic buying rampant kam bot captured the virus showing its love for toilet paper:

findac was back in Melbs a couple of months ago…

new page for bronik

New page for cobre

Added some new and forgotten pics of atak /atack – who was back in Melbs for a couple of weeks. Found 3 new by him – wonder how many there actually are?

went to oxy

upped some forgotten about awes

added heaps of ends

randomly discovered bored typo

Upped forgotten about bus dunk mission pics

went to 50u7hp0r7 – first time for a while – way more trashed now – been going for 5 years!

upped pics from kents mini tenth 20191030

forgotten about dark ballad pics
amanda newman painted Wuhan Doctor Ai Fen, the first person to disclose the 2019–20 corona virus covid epidemic to the outside world – who has since gone missing – with reference to this removed from wiwkipedia just as this was painted.

added lots of bailers (mostly from the undergrounds)


and went back for some more light painting attempts in the calming bus dunk

finally a new page for lapse