The super busy and talented Makatron has been painting in South Kensington for years now and again recently due to the massive Metro expansion has been brightening up up the place immensely with his Dandelion Dreaming mural with Conrad Bizjak
and the KENSINGTON wall with buddies Hayden Dewar, Welin, Scott Nagy, Krimsone:
plus put up heaps of neglected makatron pics
finally started a page for Krimsone (thought i already had one(!?)
Added new pages for manda lane
and mr dimples also
Went to laura alice‘s beautiful new show ‘Mama’ exhibition in geelong
Junky Projects had his new evolution exhibition
dolus back in melbs for a little pasty action…
And went to see findacs stunning second new mural in Melbourne of Makatron’s gorgeous girlfriend Heidi Chaloupka
oh yeh and went to farm 9 abando house and farm
20190225 krimsone scott nagy makatron findac
6 years ago
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