Some old an new explores, abandos, graff n street art, some new artist pages and finally a wordpress fix up hence the post delay…
77×3 abando houses
246a abando art deco house
visited the remains of the lost city
new hilyf
some new aerosol one/ views
new page for the super prolific wobbly creature font painting aohz
added heaps of cola
new page for world
new page for kzue
some forgotten about kewl
shida seems to have been back in melbs being all nostalgic and doing new gator pup stickers!
added some king of the clowder
really there are actually thousands of photos that havent been edited / upped…
r4n1_220 abando house
new page for jarrod grech
added a few paste ups
some aaron grech (there are actually 3 grech’s on allthoseshapes now… wonder if they’re related?)
and more of course, but what?
oh yeah: bus dunk 73n7h mission!