new nolijs (and some forgotten to up ones)
izit nightcall
new page for scottie marsh
more asooraguy
heaps of fresh pam the bird adventures
nyd 7r41n5
found the 2016 value city abando mission pics after gram posted his piece on insta…
some beautiful new viki murray stencils and pasteups
beautiful new suki pastie – probably THE most perfectly placed paste up ever! Below not over the graffiti, complimenting it – making it look like a collabs – (even like theyre an item heheheh) – perfect!
james wilson back from Canada in melbs for a few months getting straight into it visiting many of the citys favourites hidden galleries…
john murray back now living in melbourne collabsing with everyone – james wilson, kasper, viki murray, manda lane, painta…
and some new kasper back in melbs too
some new and forgotten to up jl art / john lawry
new page for stencil artist tom whitty
Finally upped one of the 4gr00ve mission’s photos :p
forgotten to up m1n1 73n7h k3n75 20220515 mission pics
new revilo‘s
heheh after almost 6 years a page for nute from france briefly here in 2017!!!
epic new lauren ys back in melbourne early 2023 painting ‘vampirella redux’ for their love:
fiiiinally added photos from lauren ys ‘corpus flux’ show 5 years ago at juddy roller
and a quick m1n1 73n7h k3n75 mish
20230120 lauren ys izit suki viki murray tom whitty nolij revilo
2 years ago
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