Nost graffiti artist beginning mostly with throwies, appearing all over the suburbs, train tracks rooftops and freeways of Melbourne constantly experimenting with shading, tone, fades, 3d, textures, subtleties, SIZE, placement and sheer volume per metre cubed always adapting to the environment in which he for a split second dwells…
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Nost is a fuckin looser with a small dick. That’s why he needs validation through graffiti. Graffiti “artists ” are scum and I would happily remove their heads with a blunt knife
Thats a bit harsh isnt it? You hate all graffiti writers? Even Lamb and Pork? Do you even have a blunt knife? And, do you realise that you are most likely Nost?
“AN ICONIC mural recognising women in Melbourne’s inner northern suburbs has been vandalised. ‘Bomboniere to Barbed Wire’, on Fitzroy North’s Smith St, has been tagged with the word ‘Nost’…”
Meh, b grade taggers, dime a dozen, keen tho, maybe in future nost will go on to be a “graffiti artist” or get a job.
well as suggested to one of your community it should have been looked after these past years as it got messier and messier, tagged and throwied. Nost is as Nost does and he cleaned the wall for you. If you need it repaired I suggest Heesco who has recently rejuvenated an 80s mural at VU footscray. But make sure you get it graffiti proofed this time!